OUR mission

At Shelters and Shelves Rescue, we firmly believe that all dogs deserve a second chance at finding their happily ever after. We are a licensed 501c non profit rescue. The dogs we rescue have all been marked as “urgent”, placing them at highest risk should the shelter reach kennel capacity. There is nothing inherently wrong with any of them; most are simply passed over based on scant first impressions or appearance. Some are medical cases that need time and space to recover outside of the stressful shelter environment. Others have a harder time finding families due to specific needs in a new home. All of them, however, have the perfect home somewhere out there waiting for them; they just need a little more time (and a little extra help) to find it. Their story isn’t over yet; the next chapter starts with you!


Our co-founders, Leslie and Camille met while volunteering at their local shelter. They were each using their unique skill set to help the dogs get adopted into loving homes, but again and again they saw good and sweet dogs get put down simply because they kept being overlooked and because the shelter was overwhelmed. Thus, the idea for a rescue was born specifically to save these “long-timers”. Leslie has been a shelter volunteer and animal foster for several years and wanted to bring her love of books and dogs together. Camille is a small business owner in cobb and has networked in the community for years. They are excited to grow in the rescue community and network with more animal welfare organizations to help in any way they can to give all dogs their happily ever after.

Meet the Team

  • Leslie Moffett


    Fear Free Certified Professional

  • Camille Lillie